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Lisa Bildy

Lisa Bildy was called to the Ontario bar in 1995. She practiced in family and personal injury law, until taking a hiatus to raise and homeschool her sons. On her return to practice in 2017, she learned of the Law Society of Ontario’s new requirement that lawyers sign a Statement of Principles undertaking to promote Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in all aspects of their lives, as a condition of practicing law. Believing it was not for a regulator to dictate lawyers’ personal principles, she led a successful campaign, known as StopSOP, to elect to the law society a slate of lawyers who were committed to repealing this requirement. Lisa then worked for two years as a staff lawyer with the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, before leaving to resume her private litigation practice known as Libertas Law. She writes and speaks regularly on civil liberties issues, and can be reached directly at